Bowling Pin Meme Bowling Ball Meme Bowling Ball Meme Bowling Ball Meme Bowling Ball On Reddit & Social Media, Twitter Goes Viral: In the world of social media, a new meme is gaining traction. It all started with a harmless promotional tweet from Nintendo Europe, promoting exciting bowling challenges in the upcoming Nintendo Switch Sports game. However, nothing is sacred on Twitter, as we all know. On Tuesday, 5 April 2022, a pair of vulgar GIFs appeared in the comments or responses part of Nintendo Europe’s bowling Switch Sports video. They’re also offensive bowling-related GIFs, so they’re not just lewd. These GIFs, created by a Blender artist named Wyerframez, are modern renditions of old-school bowling animations that you may be familiar with if you’ve ever gone bowling.

Bowling Ball Bowling Pin Meme

Bowling Ball Bowling Pin Meme

Twitter Meme: Bowling Ball Bowling Pin

Whenever someone got a split, strike, spare, or miss the pins, such animations would appear on the bowling alley’s screen. Wyerframez has a reputation for creating obscene artwork. A quick scan through his Twitter account reveals that he has previously generated some really h*rny GIFs, some of which are also Nintendo-related… In the month of November 2021, the Blender artist uploaded his first bowling-themed po*n GIF.

It depicts a bowling ball…uh…ejaculating all over a set of pins in order to achieve a strike, and author Wyerframez posted another h**ny bowling GIF at the time of our recent April Fools Day, which is why it is more explicit than the first. On Twitter, the more recent bowling animation has roughly 81.5k likes.

It’s not strange, though, that four days following Wyerframez’s Twitter remark, Nintendo posted a bowling video. Nintendo tried to hide one of them under “Hidden Replies” as a retaliation, but it failed spectacularly. Watching “Hidden Replies” on a Twitter post is relatively simple. If an account chooses to hide a reply, there is a “Hidden Replies” symbol on the bottom right of the screen, and Nintendo hid it only to draw attention to it.

There have been numerous responses to Wyerframez’s bowling GIFs. There are also tweets from Twitter users alerting others about the dangers lurking behind “Hidden Replies.” “Ending up on a Nintendo tweet was the last and final thing I expected, particularly given my…’ daily basis” content,” Wyerframez said. I’m sure a lot of people are startled (or even more astonished) by what I regularly make, but it’s nowhere near as relatable or retweetable. Bowling is a sport that everyone can relate to, and everyone has had the sensation of staring at a computer and being completely perplexed.”

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