JAMES Bulger’s heartbroken mum has revealed she has just two weeks to craft a statement which could keep her son’s killer behind bars.

Twisted murderer Jon Venables, 39, could be freed within months after a parole board hearing was logged for August.

Venables, left, has launched a new parole bid with a hearing in August


Venables, left, has launched a new parole bid with a hearing in AugustCredit: PA
Denise Fergus, mum of tragic James, is desperate to keep his killer behind bars


Denise Fergus, mum of tragic James, is desperate to keep his killer behind barsCredit: PA:Press Association

Denise Fergus, mum of tragic tot James, has revealed that she agonises over what to write in her crucial submission for the meeting.

The two-year-old toddler was abducted, tortured and murdered before being abandoned on railway tracks 29 years ago by Venables and Robert Thompson – who were ten at the time.

Denise, 53, admitted making constant notes in an attempt to make her statement as powerful as possible, telling the Sunday Mirror: “I know what I write could keep James’ killer behind bars.”

She also pleaded with Justice Secretary Dominic Raab for an urgent meeting to discuss keeping the killer locked up.

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As part of her campaign she wants the Government to launch a public inquiry into her son’s death, with Mr Raab announcing –plans of new laws to allow minister to interfere in dangerous convicts parole hearings.

Denise said: “He is one of the biggest dangers to society and will offend again. The law needs passing now. If this legislation was made for anyone, it was made for him.

“Putting it in place next year will be too late and he could be out on the streets. My biggest fear is that Venables will put another family through what we’ve been through.

“There is no doubt in my mind he is still capable of evil.”

A public inquiry into James’ death will be debated in Parliament, but Denise claims she has been left in the dark about the discussion and has never spoken to any cabinet minister about it.

Both Venables and Thompson were convicted of murder in November 1993, and released in 2001 with new identities.

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But Venables was re-jailed in 2017 for possessing child images and denied parole in 2020 – while Thompson has not reoffended.

The twisted pair had been skipping school in 1993 when they snatched James from a shopping centre in Bootle, Merseyside, after his mum let go of his hand for seconds.

Denise and James’ dad Ralph now both have to submit a heartfelt victim impact statements outlining why Venables should not be released.

Denise, who lives with husband Stuart, said: “I’ve got a very happy life now, I’m very lucky, but news of the parole board hearing brings the same feelings back.

“It takes me back to a dark place. It kicks it all off again. I can’t get away from it.

“But what keeps me going is getting justice for James and keeping one of his killers behind bars.

“I feel like I’ve been fighting for that more years than I’ve lived, that’s how much I’ve given.

“I chose to take on the fight. I did that for James because he’s not here to do that. I didn’t want to let him down.

“My solicitor said to me, ‘You take this on board and you’re in for a long hard battle’. I just thought, ‘Bring it on’. I still feel that now.

The pair abducted James Bulger from the Bootle Strand shopping centre in 1993


The pair abducted James Bulger from the Bootle Strand shopping centre in 1993Credit: Getty
Robert Thompson was jailed for the murder in 1993 but has since been released with a new identity


Robert Thompson was jailed for the murder in 1993 but has since been released with a new identityCredit: PA:Press Association

“This is the third or fourth time I’ve done one against him. It takes it out of you. The first thing that crosses my mind is that I shouldn’t be doing this.

“I should be celebrating birthdays and Christmases happily, not writing about him. I’m a lot stronger than I was doing this 20 years ago.

“I’m fighting for my son. I’m hoping and praying every time that what I saw makes a difference.

“With the statement, I like to get it done early so I can add things. It will be about my life and my worries and restrictions that should be in place.

“I will not show an inch of weakness. He needs to know he’s lost big time and that he’ll never win anything.

“When I’m preparing it, my mind works overtime. I start jotting down things down and it takes time.

“I like it to be spot on. I carry paper and pen all the time. I make lots of little notes and then put it into the statement.

“It can take a few weeks to get together but if it is going to get justice for James and keep his killer behind bars then I’m happy to do it.”

Denise is adamant in her belief that Venables still poses a great danger to society, saying she “fears for every family” if he gets released.

It takes me back to a dark place. It kicks it all off again. I can’t get away from it

Denise Fergus

She admitted that she tries not to think too much about it, because she has “no idea which way it will go.”

Denise added: “I hope to God he doesn’t get out but if he does it’s something I will have to face. It’s scary.

“I won’t know where he is moved to, his new identity name, or anything like that. He will know lots about us but we’ll know nothing about him.

“We’re the victims. Is this right? He’s still capable of doing what he did to James in my mind.

“Like any person that re-offends in my mind, two strikes and you should be in for a long time. There is no way he is rehabilitated.”

The family were offered a glimmer of hope when Mr Raab announced in March that he proposed to take back powers to stop dangerous criminals being free.

It comes after double child killer Colin Pitchfork, London taxi driver rapist John Worboys and murdered Baby P’s mother Tracey Connelly were all initially paroled.

But no date has been set for the new law, meaning Venables will be out before it is enforced if the hearing is successful.

Dad Ralph, 55, told The Sun: “If the Justice Secretary is serious on reform then he must allow me to be present at Venables’ parole hearing, just as I was at his Old Bailey hearing.

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“I want Venables to hear why I believe he should have his parole denied.

“For too long, victims and families have been ignored while authorities put the so-called rights of dangerous criminals first.”

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