VLADIMIR Putin will “go for blood beyond Ukraine” and could spark a “global massacre” if he isn’t stopped now, Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s top aide has warned.

As Russian troops continue to advance across the war-torn country, Andriy Yermak – head of the Ukrainian presidential office – has begged the West for more help as Kyiv remains under siege.

Pro-Russian troops in the breakaway province of Donetsk as Putin's invasion rages on


Pro-Russian troops in the breakaway province of Donetsk as Putin’s invasion rages onCredit: Reuters
President Volodymyr Zelenskyy urged Russian troops to go home as he remains defiant in Kyiv


President Volodymyr Zelenskyy urged Russian troops to go home as he remains defiant in KyivCredit: Reuters
Vladimir Putin will 'go for blood beyond Ukraine', it's been warned


Vladimir Putin will ‘go for blood beyond Ukraine’, it’s been warnedCredit: Reuters

Writing in a guest essay for the New York Times from a bunker in the capitol beside President Zelenskyy, Yermak issued a chilling warning that Putin “must be stopped” by its allies.

His plea for more support comes after Kherson became the first city to be captured by Putin’s forces amid major bloodshed in Kharkiv, Mariupol and Chernihiv.

“This war could be a prologue to a greater European or even global massacre,” Yermak wrote.

“Not since the end of World War II has Europe seen violence and naked territorial ambition at such a scale.”

He warned authorities “know this war is not just about Ukraine” as he urged the West to take action against the “existential challenge” Putin “poses to the world order.”

“The Kremlin wants to create a new Russian empire,” Yermak added.

Most read in The Sun

“Again, make no mistake: Mr Putin aims to advance this ideology by going for blood beyond Ukraine. He must be stopped.”

As he pleaded for more firepower and tougher sanctions while thanking allies for support already given, Yermak insisted Ukraine’s “future and survival largely depend on the West”.

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Yermak also called for NATO to enforce a no-fly zone over Ukraine and for additional ammunition and weapons to be supplied.

“We recognise that this would be a serious escalation in the war and that it could bring NATO into direct conflict with Russia,” he added.

“But we firmly believe that Russia won’t stop at just Ukraine, which would potentially drag NATO into this conflict anyway.

“Ukraine is not asking for its allies to put boots on the ground.

“But we need the West to back us up in order to keep defending our families and our land. We need to show Russia — in painful terms — the mistake it has made.”

It comes as Swedish authorities reported four Russian fighter jets violated its airspace over the Baltic Sea on Wednesday.

According to the Swedish Armed Forces, two SU-27 and two SU-24 fighters briefly went over its airspace east of the island of Gotland.

The reported violation came just days after Putin made a chilling threat to Europe as he warned that if Sweden and Finland join NATO there will be “detrimental military and political consequences.”


“In light of the current situation we are very concerned about the incident”, Swedish Air Force chief Carl-Johan Edstrom said.

“This is unprofessional and irresponsible behavior from the Russian side.”

Swedish fighter jets were scrambled and took photos of the Russian jets, the statement said.

“This shows that our readiness is good. We were in place to secure the territorial integrity and Swedish borders,” Edstrom said.

“We have total control of the situation.”

Meanwhile, Yermak’s warning comes after Belarusian dictator Alexander Lukashenko appeared to have revealed Moldova could be the NEXT country to be invaded by Russia.

Putin’s warmongering puppet – dubbed Europe’s last dictator – seemed to let slip Moscow’s possible next move as he was giving a televised presentation on Russia’s invasion routes in Ukraine this week.

Lukashenko was seen standing in front of a huge battle map showing Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, Moldova and other parts of the region.

It comes as:

Waving around a pointer like a twisted school teacher, the map behind him showed proposed battle plans for Russian troops.

The map detailed attack plans for Ukraine – some of which have appeared in the last few days, such as forces storming towards Kyiv from the north and up south from Crimea.

But it also showed other possible attack paths for Russian forces – including sweeping into Moldova from the Ukrainian port city of Odessa.

Pictures clearly show a red line on the map – which matches up with other attack axises – sweeping across the border into Moldova.

It comes as Russia has taken its first major city in Ukraine after days of fierce battles as the mayor begged Putin’s forces not to kill anymore civilians.

Moscow’s troops managed to capture the key port city of Kherson after six days of fighting as their advance grinds across Ukraine.

Russia is reported to have suffered heavy losses during the battle – but the exact numbers remain unknown.

And meanwhile at least 300 civilians and soldiers have been killed on the Ukrainian side in Kherson.

Ukrainians however had remained defiant till the end as one man was seen waving two blue and yellow national flags in the city’s main square.


Fierce fighting is still raging in nearby Mariupol, where the Russians have been accused of genocide.

Putin had hoped for quick takeover of Ukraine but his forces have met stiff Ukrainian resistance.

Supply chaos has hampered their advance while there appears to be low morale among soldiers, many of whom have tearfully surrendered.

The lack of progress has led to growing fears Russia will use an increasing number of indiscriminate attacks against civilian targets in a bid to force an end the war.

Some 2,000 civilians are already reported to have died in the invasion.

Russia admitted for the first time it had suffered casualties – saying 500 soldiers have been killed and around 1,600 have been wounded.

Ukraine puts the figures much higher at over 9,000.

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy urged Russian troops to go home and called them “confused children who have been used”.

He said his nation had so far thwarted Russia’s “sneaky” plans – and hailed the resistance as “heroic”.

All you need to know about Russia’s invasion of Ukraine

Everything you need to know about Russia’s invasion of Ukraine…

A building burning in Borodyanka, near Kyiv, after being hit by shelling


A building burning in Borodyanka, near Kyiv, after being hit by shellingCredit: EPA
A Ukrainian military member stands guard at Independence Square, in Kyiv


A Ukrainian military member stands guard at Independence Square, in KyivCredit: EPA
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