GINGER is a very healthy crop which can be used with food and warm drinks and it helps to improve your immune system.
This is how to grow your ginger and get using it too to build a strong immune system and help keep illnesses away.
How do you grow ginger root from home?
You will need to buy a root, which would be a piece of ginger the size of your thumb.
It should have some bumpy nodules at the tips which are called buds.
Try not to choose pieces that are withering in their skin and the skin should be thin and light-coloured.
You should help the ginger piece to sprout before planting it.

To do this, you can create what’s called a terrarium, which will speed the sprouting process since ginger takes a long time to do so.
- Use a takeout container with a clear lead and punch holes in the bottom.
- Put one or two inches of soil below the seed and sprinkle just a bit above it.
- Water it and replace the lid but do not seal it.
- Try to keep the soil at a temperature of 70 degrees and moist.
- Water the soil only when it dried and with this process you should see a sprout in six to eight weeks.
Once you have sprouted ginger, you can plant it.
Choose a container with good drainage holes and a deep saucer.
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This is because ginger is a heavy feeder and also drinks a lot of water and will give out a lot of produce, so it will need a lot of space to grow.
The soil should be fertile and well-draining with a lot of coir.
To grow the ginger:
- Place the root on top of four inches of soil.
- Bury the whole ginger besides the sprout tip.
- Place it in a warm and sunny place.
- It should be in a sheltered outdoor place with a temperature reaching 60 to 90 degrees.
- While growing, water it weekly with organic plant food and once a month sprinkle some rich compost to protect it from solar exposure.
- To harvest it, simply hold the greens from the bottom from where they emerge and lift the entire ginger.
- Snap off a piece that you want and place the rest of the plant in the pit and fill it with some more soil or compost.
- Heavily water it and while it recovers protect it from sunlight and wild temperature swings.
Can I grow ginger from supermarket root?
Yes, you can.
Just pick the freshest piece or the one with a sprout and you can use that.
As long as the root is healthy, it is fine to use for planting and growing more ginger.
How long does it take to grow ginger root?
It will take about eight to 10 months for your ginger to grow.
You should plant it during the winter but protect from cold weather conditions.
Keep it inside in the warmth for the best results.
Normally, in places where it snows, people plant their ginger after the first frost.
Can you grow ginger root in water?
Ginger root can grow in water.
This is another way how to grow ginger, and it is said that it produces good and healthy ginger too.

To grow your ginger in water:
- Cut a root into several pieces with a bud on each.
- Fill a pot with compost and plant the pieces 2.5 centimetres deep in the soil.
- Water the pot well and remember to do so on a daily basis.
- Every plant needs at least one square foot of space to grow, so make sure that you prepare a big enough tray for it.
- The tray should be 10 to 15 centimetres deep.
- Once the roots have germinated, meaning produced stems and leave, remove the strongest plants from the soil and rinse the roots.
- Place five centimetres of growing medium in the container and place the new ginger plants on top, spreading out the roots.
- Place the plants a foot apart from each other to make sure that they all have space to grow.
- Poor in more medium to cover the roots.
- Connect this container to water and feed the plants every two hours.
- The pH of the food fluid should be five and a half to eight.
- Give at least 18 hours of light to the plants every day and then rest them for eight hours.
- Within four months, your ginger should be ready for harvest.