A GIN lover has found just the tonic — an £18,000 collection of more than 450 bottles of the booze.

Allison Strydom has spent the past five years filling cupboards at home with the tipple once called “mother’s ruin”.

The 56-year-old now has a bottle from every country in Europe in her gin palace at her home in Twickenham, West London


The 56-year-old now has a bottle from every country in Europe in her gin palace at her home in Twickenham, West LondonCredit: Caters
She fell in love with traditional G&T after visiting a distillery with a pal


She fell in love with traditional G&T after visiting a distillery with a palCredit: Caters

She fell in love with traditional G&T after visiting a distillery with a pal.

The 56-year-old now has a bottle from every country in Europe in her gin palace at her home in Twickenham, West London.

Such is the respect for her collection — also featuring brands from Canada, United States, New Zealand, Australia, Japan, India and South East Asia — that she is gifted alcohol from firms to review on her blog.

The mum of two said: “I’ve been drinking gin for as long as I can remember, but following the boom a few years ago, it became more interesting. I manipulated my social life around gin and loved meeting with distillers and learning their stories.

“I realised each bottle had a really interesting meaning behind it.”

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During the first lockdown Allison began virtual gin tours from her living room, trying different gins daily to feature on her Instagram feed.

Such is the respect for her collection — also featuring brands from Canada, United States, New Zealand, Australia, Japan, India and South East Asia — that she is gifted alcohol from firms to review on her blog


Such is the respect for her collection — also featuring brands from Canada, United States, New Zealand, Australia, Japan, India and South East Asia — that she is gifted alcohol from firms to review on her blogCredit: Caters
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