SHOCKING new photos show 79-year-old Joe Biden with a scabby knee after falling off his bike on Saturday afternoon.

This dramatic fall comes after other unfortunate blunders such as the US President fracturing his foot while playing with his dog and tripping up the Air Force One steps.

President Joe Biden was seen with a scabby knee after taking a big fall on Saturday


President Joe Biden was seen with a scabby knee after taking a big fall on SaturdayCredit: AFP
The President took a tumble in front of media while enjoying a bike ride in Delaware


The President took a tumble in front of media while enjoying a bike ride in DelawareCredit: AFP
He has previously fallen three times at once while climbing the Air Force One steps


He has previously fallen three times at once while climbing the Air Force One stepsCredit: Twitter/The Hill
Joe Biden has also fractured his foot while playing with his dog


Joe Biden has also fractured his foot while playing with his dogCredit: Reuters

In the newly released photos, Biden is walking on the beach with his granddaughter Natalie and daughter Ashley.

This comes after Biden’s weekend tumble in Delaware where he celebrated his 45th wedding anniversary weekend away with his wife Jill.

Following the fall, a White House official told CNN: “As the President said, his foot got caught on the pedal while dismounting and he is fine.

“No medical attention is needed. The President looks forward to spending the rest of the day with his family.”

Footage shows Biden wearing a white helmet and a black top as he skirts around the corner on a peddle bike.

But at the opportune moment, the president takes a tumble in front of a flurry of press and media.

Despite the onrushing aid of his associates, the 79-year-old was unharmed in the incident and swiftly got back to his feet.

The incident is just the latest in a long line of blunders by the President which has included fracturing his foot while playing with his German Shepherd and falling up the stairs of Air Force One three times.

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Biden was filmed falling three times on the steps over a year ago before flying to Georgia.

Worrying footage shows the president, 78, tripping on the stairs just months after injuring his foot.

Biden was on his way to Atlanta on Friday to meet with Asian community leaders following the massage parlor shootings earlier this week.

He tripped a total of three times as he made his way up the stairs to board Air Force One.

However, Biden quickly recovered and carried on up the stairs, giving a salute before entering the aircraft.

The White House Principal Deputy Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre confirmed that Biden is “doing 100 percent fine” following the tumble.

Late in 2020, Biden was seen wearing his typical navy blue suit with a cast on his right foot outside The Queen theater in Delaware.

He appeared at the venue in Wilmington to formally unveil his six-person economic team, a core group that includes veterans from previous Democratic administrations and historic firsts.

Biden was forced to wear the protective boot for “several weeks” after x-rays revealed a “hairline fracture” in his foot.

Journalists assigned to Biden first revealed the injury.

“On Saturday Nov. 28, President-elect Biden slipped while playing with his dog Major, and twisted his ankle,” a pool report said.

“Out of an abundance of caution, he will be examined this afternoon by an orthopedist.”

In a statement to MSNBC, Dr Kevin O’Connor said: “Follow-up CT scan confirmed hairline (small) fractures of President-elect Biden’s lateral and intermediate cuneiform bones, which are in the mid-foot.”

After an initial examination, Biden was sent to an orthopedist for a CT scan, which revealed the fracture.

Soon after, former President Donald Trump sent Biden his well wishes on Twitter and shared an NBC clip of the Democrat leaving the clinic.

“Get well soon!” Trump said.

Biden was spotted on the beach with his daughter and granddaughter


Biden was spotted on the beach with his daughter and granddaughterCredit: AP
The President has been captured tripping on the Air Force One steps several times


The President has been captured tripping on the Air Force One steps several timesCredit: MSNBC
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