A Johns Hopkins doctor is mocking Dr. Anthony Fauci for refusing to the White House correspondents’ dinner due to coronavirus concerns despite being quadruple-vaccinated.

‘Dr. Fauci has been vaccinated four times and he still says he’s not comfortable going to the white house correspondents’ dinner this Saturday night,’ Johns Hopkins professor Dr. Marty Makary told Fox News host Tucker Carlson Wednesday night. ‘That is the person that is behind all the covid policies in the United States.’

Makary questioned Fauci’s credibility, noting he is ‘not an infectious diseases doctor’ and has been ‘using the wrong data the entire pandemic’.

‘Dr. Fauci is allowed to have an opinion. I think he has experience and should weigh in but let’s be honest – he is not an infectious diseases doctor,’ the surgeon argued. ‘He never did an infectious diseases fellowship. He did a rheumatology fellowship.’

Rheumatology is the study of diseases of muscles, bones, joints, tendons and ligaments. While Fauci initially specialized in that area of medicine, he has been director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases since 1984.  

He was previously credited for his adept response to the AIDS epidemic – but his contradictory pronouncements on the newest virus to sweep the world have proved more controversial.  

‘I’ve been to about five or six major doctors conferences over the last three months nationwide, large conferences with thousands of doctors, they are not wearing masks. We have doctors aggregating and auditoriums doing their lectures and conferences and at social events with hundreds of people not wearing masks.’

‘What does that tell you about the public health guidance that we’ve gotten?’ he questioned.

Makary’s criticisms followed Fauci’s latest U-turn in which he insisted the US has not left the pandemic stage of the COVID outbreak – just hours after saying that it had.

Johns Hopkins professor Dr. Marty Makary (pictured) is mocking Dr. Anthony Fauci refusing to attend dinner at the White House dinner due to coronavirus concerns despite being quadruple vaccinated

Johns Hopkins professor Dr. Marty Makary (pictured) is mocking Dr. Anthony Fauci refusing to attend dinner at the White House dinner due to coronavirus concerns despite being quadruple vaccinated

Johns Hopkins professor Dr. Marty Makary (pictured) is mocking Dr. Anthony Fauci refusing to attend dinner at the White House dinner due to coronavirus concerns despite being quadruple vaccinated

The White House COVID tsar claimed his remarks from Tuesday night – which were taped and reported verbatim – had been ‘misconstrued’ in a subsequent interview Wednesday. 

‘We certainly can’t say the pandemic is over. It is not over,’ Fauci, top medical advisor to President Joe Biden, told CBS News Wednesday afternoon. 

Fauci – famed for his flip-flops on issues including masks – did not comment further on how his earlier remarks had been misconstrued – even though they appear to directly contradict his ‘correction.’ 

He instead clarified that the COVID threat in the U.S. was not as ‘acute and accelerated’ as it was earlier in the pandemic and the nation had reached a new ‘decelerated and controlled’ phase of the pandemic over the past several months.

‘That does not mean we are out of the woods,’ he said, adding that the number of COVID positive cases is starting to ‘creep up’ again.

The remarks which saw Fauci flip flop were broadcast by PBS NewsHour  Tuesday night.

‘We are certainly right now in this country out of the pandemic phase,’ he said.

‘Namely, we don’t have 900,000 new infections a day and tens and tens and tens of thousands of hospitalizations and thousands of deaths. We are at a low level right now.’ 

Dr. Anthony Fauci (pictured Tuesday), has flip-flopped on his pandemic guidance once again, now alleging the U.S. is not in the clear to return to a state of pre-virus normalcy

Dr. Anthony Fauci (pictured Tuesday), has flip-flopped on his pandemic guidance once again, now alleging the U.S. is not in the clear to return to a state of pre-virus normalcy

Dr. Anthony Fauci (pictured Tuesday), has flip-flopped on his pandemic guidance once again, now alleging the U.S. is not in the clear to return to a state of pre-virus normalcy

Facui said Wednesday afternoon 'we certainly can't say the pandemic is over' in America, despite claiming Tuesday night that it was

Facui said Wednesday afternoon 'we certainly can't say the pandemic is over' in America, despite claiming Tuesday night that it was

Facui said Wednesday afternoon ‘we certainly can’t say the pandemic is over’ in America, despite claiming Tuesday night that it was

Fauci on Wednesday urged Americans to remain on guard, warning citizens should be vigilant and prepared for surges and new COVID variants, should they arise. 

He also stressed the U.S. ‘needs to avoid another spike in hospitalizations.’

Despite his warnings – a complete turn from his Tuesday remarks – Fauci noted how improved treatments and vaccines have put the U.S. in a much better position than other countries, such as China and Hong Kong, that continue to deal with serious virus situations. 

Makary hit back at Fauci, who serves as the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, alleging his team has misled the American public throughout the course of the pandemic.

‘He’s been using the wrong data the entire pandemic and that data they are using his total hospitalizations,’ the Johns Hopkins professor argued. 

‘Picking up a lot of incidental positive findings because hospitals do mass PCR testing of everyone who walks through the door so that number is north of 68 percent, 62 percent and yet they continue to cite the overall hospitalization.’

Makary (right) argued to Tucker Carlson (left) that Fauci has misled the American public throughout the course of the pandemic

Makary (right) argued to Tucker Carlson (left) that Fauci has misled the American public throughout the course of the pandemic

Makary (right) argued to Tucker Carlson (left) that Fauci has misled the American public throughout the course of the pandemic

COVID restrictions have been lifted almost everywhere in America. People are pictured walking unmasked in New York City on Wednesday. Unlike many other cities, NYC still requires residents to wear masks on the subway, public busses and at the airport

COVID restrictions have been lifted almost everywhere in America. People are pictured walking unmasked in New York City on Wednesday. Unlike many other cities, NYC still requires residents to wear masks on the subway, public busses and at the airport

COVID restrictions have been lifted almost everywhere in America. People are pictured walking unmasked in New York City on Wednesday. Unlike many other cities, NYC still requires residents to wear masks on the subway, public busses and at the airport

The medical expert also accused Fauci of lying to the public and fueling the ‘political propaganda’ surrounding the pandemic. 

‘The public is really getting a glimpse of the use of dogma and even dogma in science as political propaganda over rigorous scientific studies,’ Makary said. 

‘Let’s be honest, many of the controversies that have been debated the entire two years could’ve been answered in one week with a good, solid, rigorous studies. The NIH has $42 billion.’

‘Dr. Fauci could have answered the question about surface transmission versus airborne transmission when people were pouring gallons of alcohol-based solutions on their mail and groceries. These questions could’ve been answered in a few days with rigorous studies. Cloth masks, similarly, ignoring natural immunity – They are still not honest about natural immunity.’

He criticized Fauci’s team for not addressing the effects of booster shots in children or the rates of myocarditis in young males after they receive the vaccine. 

Makary also argued the NIAD director’s pandemic restrictions caused a mental health crisis after ‘shutting kids out of public schools and most of the country.’

‘Math scores are down 10 percent, depression is epidemic, the CDC won’t even tell us what the suicide rates were during the pandemic, which is very odd,’ he stated. ‘They publish that every year on an annual basis. You cannot find it anywhere, the suicide rates over the last two years.’

He argued the leading public health authorities should have been direct with the American people, instead of giving absolute answers to questions they did not have the answers for.

‘The right answer to a lot of the questions Americans have been asking for two years is “we don’t know and we can find out if we do these studies” and we should have done the studies right away,’ he said.

‘People are sick of the absolutism. I can tell you as a doctor people are very forgiving if you make a mistake. If you’re honest.’

America is currently recording 54,840 daily COVID infections, a 45 percent increase over the past week - but more than 90 percent lower than the virus's peak of 800,000 per day

America is currently recording 54,840 daily COVID infections, a 45 percent increase over the past week - but more than 90 percent lower than the virus's peak of 800,000 per day

America is currently recording 54,840 daily COVID infections, a 45 percent increase over the past week – but more than 90 percent lower than the virus’s peak of 800,000 per day

Daily death totals have dropped 14 percent over the past week, to 363 per day

Daily death totals have dropped 14 percent over the past week, to 363 per day

Daily death totals have dropped 14 percent over the past week, to 363 per day

The US averages 54,840 infections per day - just six percent of the virus's peak of 800,000 daily cases in mid-January

The US averages 54,840 infections per day - just six percent of the virus's peak of 800,000 daily cases in mid-January

The US averages 54,840 infections per day – just six percent of the virus’s peak of 800,000 daily cases in mid-January 

Fauci on Tuesday declared the U.S. was ‘out of the pandemic phase’ of COVID as cases and hospitalizations continue to plummet.

The immunologist, who continually lobbied for draconian mask and vaccine measures for the last two years, said ‘we are at a low level right now.’ 

But, he cautioned the virus cannot be stamped out completely and long-term vaccination programs may need to continue on a yearly basis. 

‘So, if you’re saying, are we out of the pandemic phase in this country, we are. What we hope to do, I don’t believe — and I have spoken about this widely — we’re not going to eradicate this virus,’ Fauci said.

‘If we can keep that level very low, and intermittently vaccinate people — and I don’t know how often that would have to be.

‘That might be every year, that might be longer, in order to keep that level low. But, right now, we are not in the pandemic phase in this country.

‘Pandemic means a widespread, throughout the world, infection that spreads rapidly among people. So, if you look at the global situation, there’s no doubt this pandemic is still ongoing.’

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Fauci, whose comments were buried at the end of his PBS NewsHour interview (pictured), caused some confusion Tuesday by saying the 'pandemic phase' was over at home but 'is still ongoing globally'

Fauci, whose comments were buried at the end of his PBS NewsHour interview (pictured), caused some confusion Tuesday by saying the 'pandemic phase' was over at home but 'is still ongoing globally'

Fauci, whose comments were buried at the end of his PBS NewsHour interview (pictured), caused some confusion Tuesday by saying the ‘pandemic phase’ was over at home but ‘is still ongoing globally’

Fauci, whose comments were buried at the end of his PBS NewsHour interview, caused some confusion by saying the ‘pandemic phase’ was over at home but ‘is still ongoing globally’.

Health experts questioned his claim, pointing out he appeared to have bungled his choice of words and should only have said ‘US is in a phase of lower hospitalization rate’.  

America is currently recording 54,840 daily COVID infections, a 45 percent increase over the past week – but more than 90 percent lower than the virus’s peak of 800,000 per day. Daily death totals have dropped 14 percent over the past week, to 363 per day.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) also said Tuesday nearly 60 percent of Americans have been infected with COVID. 

Officials cautioned this data does not mean those Americans have immunity against the virus because of their prior infections. 

COVID restrictions have been lifted almost everywhere in America. One of the few existing mandates left is in New York City, where residents are still required to wear masks on the subway, public busses and at the airport.

Masks are also required on public transit in Los Angeles. Philadelphia brought back its mask order for four days last week before almost immediately lifting them again.

Children under five years of age in the New York City public school system are still subject to ‘close-contact restrictions’ including mask wearing, a bizarre break from the rest of the city where there is no indoor mask mandate even as medical experts and virologists widely agree that the risk of children becoming seriously ill or dying from Covid is extremely low.

While children are less likely than adults to be hospitalized or to die from COVID, the CDC reported on Tuesday that in the United States, 475 children under the age of five have died from the disease. 

There is still no vaccine for this age group meaning the pandemic won’t be over until it becomes available, which could be several more months. 

The federal government’s nationwide mask order for public transit, commercial flights and transportation centers was dismissed by a federal judge earlier this month.

The CDC also revised its face-covering guidance in February, recommending that indoor masking only remain for communities thought to be at high risk for Covid, and mask mandates at large public gatherings such as sporting events are no longer in force.

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