MAJOR Russian war games due to start tomorrow are perfect cover for a strike on Ukraine’s capital Kiev, Nato generals have been warned.

The PM said the “the picture is increasingly concerning” with up to 35,000 Russian troops camped in Belarus – a few hours drive from Kiev – according to UK spooks.

A satellite image dated January 19 shows a battle group at Voronezh in Russia, around 200 miles east of Ukraine


A satellite image dated January 19 shows a battle group at Voronezh in Russia, around 200 miles east of Ukraine


Britain is sending gunboats, jets and 1,000 more troops to reinforce Nato’s frontline – but Foreign Sec Liz Truss insisted it was “very unlikely” the UK forces would fight with Ukraine’s defenders against any Russian invasion.

The PM is due to hold crunch talks with Putin as the exercise in Belarus kicks off with squadrons of Su-35 fighter jets, world-beating S400 air defence batteries and columns of battle tanks.

The boss of Russia’s Security Council insisted “We don’t want war” yesterday.

Top western intelligence officials said the Belarus drills would let Russia swoop south with zero notice if Putin gave the order.

“They will be very close to the border, very close to the capital and cover all of the approaches,” he said.

A top Nato advisor said Putin risked enraging China if he starts a war during the Beijing Olympics, from 4 to 20 Feb.

Phase one of the drills will see Russian soldiers facing a simulated attack before launching a major counter offensive in phase two, from 10-20 Feb.

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Putin has shipped units west units west from Siberia for the first time since WW2.

“It is unprecedented in the modern era,” the western intelligence source said.

The 127,000 troops surrounding Ukraine on three sides are not enough to occupy the country.

Top Brass said Putin could double his force at two weeks notice.

A US-led coalition had twice as many troops when it invaded Iraq in 2003.

Russia has told the US to back off over mounting tensions with Ukraine


Russia has told the US to back off over mounting tensions with UkraineCredit: AP
A top Nato advisor said Putin risked enraging China if he starts a war during the Beijing Olympics, from 4 to 20 Feb


A top Nato advisor said Putin risked enraging China if he starts a war during the Beijing Olympics, from 4 to 20 FebCredit: AP
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