THREE in 10 adults over 50 admit they have little memory of the Falklands War – despite having lived through it.

The study of 2,000 Brits who were around at the time of the conflict found 29 per cent know very little about historical events of their lifetime.

Missile scar and explosion hole


Missile scar and explosion holeCredit: Royal Navy / Imperial War Museum
Mark Trainor


Mark TrainorCredit: crown copyright

And 36 per cent of those feel ashamed they don’t know more about their past.

While 24 per cent boldly claim not to be interested, a fifth admit they turned a blind eye to anything which was too distressing.

But, 18 per cent blamed the lack of reporting and absence of social media in the 1980s for their lack of recollection or education.

The study, by the Armed Forces charity, SSAFA, also found one in 10 remember their families protecting them from the upset at the time.

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Falklands veteran and SSAFA volunteer, Mark Trainor, works with the charity to raise awareness of modern conflicts and in particular the 40th anniversary of the Falklands War.

He said: “People need to be aware and remember the brutality and horror of this conflict.

“As a Falklands veteran, I think it is incredibly important for the public to ensure that the Falklands Conflict is never forgotten.

“It’s very hard to believe it has been 40 years since the war, but it changed me, and it changed the person I am today. We must never forget.”

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The research also found 53 per cent of the over 50s would like to know more about historical events which happened during their lifetime, and 45 per cent would like to know how to support veterans and their families.

Unfortunately, two thirds currently have little or no awareness of how much help is available for serving military personnel and their loved ones.

A second study of 2,000 adults was also commissioned by SSAFA to find out how much Brits know about the Falklands War.

It revealed 35 per cent could not name the year it took place and a fifth had no idea which countries fought at the time.

Six in 10 adults could not identify how long the conflict went on for, 92 per cent had no idea five ships were sunk, and 74 per cent were unaware 907 lives were lost in total.

More than a quarter of adults didn’t know Margaret Thatcher was the British Prime Minister when the war took place, with one in 10 thinking it was Winston Churchill and six per cent naming Boris Johnson.

The official commemoration of the Falklands takes place on 9th June – but 56 per cent of those polled via OnePoll were seemingly unaware.

Sir Andrew Gregory, CEO at SSAFA, said: “Protecting its peoples from aggression is one of the prime responsibilities of any Nation.

“The United Kingdom was required to fulfil that obligation when forced to liberate the Falkland Islands in 1982.

“Having ensured the population could continue to live in freedom, we remember the 255 British military personnel who made the ultimate sacrifice and the many others who were wounded 40 years ago.

“It is important that this country understands the critical role of members of our Armed Forces in sustaining the democratic rule of law in this part of the South Atlantic and wherever else they are threatened.

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“SSAFA supported serving personnel and their families before, during and after the Falklands Conflict, just as we have done for every campaign over the last 137 years.

“And we continue to support those veterans and their families still living with the lasting effects of their time fighting for the freedom of the Falkland Islands.”

Mark Trainor with medal (21 years old)


Mark Trainor with medal (21 years old)Credit: crown copyright
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