My neighbour is ignoring our storm damaged fence

FENCES across the country have been toppled by the recent bad weather leaving many homeowners wondering what to do next.

Disputes over fences are far from uncommon in the best of times, but with storm’s Dudley, Eunice, Franklin arriving in quick succession, neighbourly chats could get tense.

One homeowner has almost the opposite problem though – they can’t get hold of their neighbour at all to sort out a blown over fence.

Posting on Reddit, they explained how like thousands of others, a fence with a neighbour had come down between them because of the high winds.

The efficient neighbour looking to sort out the damage has been unable to get hold of the owner of the house next door.

They said: “The property is owned by a landlord who doesn’t respond to emails/letters.”

Not only is it an inconvenience, it is also causing worry as the tenants living in the property next door have a dog.

The animal now has easy access to both gardens and the poster, who shared the dilemma looking for advice on what to do next, is not happy about that with their young children around.

Here’s what they can do.

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