VENGEFUL Vladimir Putin is set to deny peacemaker Mikhail Gorbachev the honour of a state funeral given to other Russian presidents.

Putin hated Gorbachev for presiding over the break-up of his beloved Soviet Union and for forging closer ties with Western leaders.

Mikhail Gorbachev was critical of Vladimir Putin’s 22 years in power and his invasion of Ukraine

And it remained unclear last night whether the tyrant would even attend a scaled-down event paying tribute to the hero statesman who helped to end the Cold War.

Gorbachev was critical of Putin’s 22 years in power and the invasion of Ukraine.

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said Putin was still deciding in consultation with Gorbachev’s family and friends on the funeral arrangements.

Putin sent a telegram to the last Soviet leader’s family paying a cold tribute to the political great, who died aged 91 on Tuesday after a long illness.



Tributes flood in for ‘remarkable’ Soviet Union leader who ended Cold War


The truth revealed about the life and death of the late Mikhail Gorbachev

Peskov said in his own “tribute” post: “He sincerely wanted to believe the Cold War would end, and it would usher in a period of eternal romance between a new Soviet Union and the West.

“This romanticism turned out to be wrong and the bloodthirsty nature of our opponents showed itself.”

PM Boris Johnson warned Putin was “intent on undoing the good” Gorbachev did and was attempting to “recreate that Soviet empire” with its war in Ukraine.

Gorbachev’s death sparked loathing from pro-Putin propagandists in Moscow who branded him “Judas”.

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