The term “gut-health” became well-known over the last decade, along with the popularization of probiotics and fermented foods and drinks like kombucha. These are great supplements, but it’s only by focusing holistically on our diets that we will truly see improvement in our gut health. To optimize digestion, Hopkins Medicine recommends that you consume an everyday diet of whole, unprocessed foods that are rich in healthy fats, fiber, and lean protein. It’s no surprise that foods rich in fiber top this list. Per Mayo Clinic, experts suggest you consume at least 25 grams of fiber each day. If you aren’t eating enough fiber now, then Medical News Today advises you slowly integrate it into your diet to avoid stomach upset. Start with soluble fiber such as oats, apples, spinach, bananas, and carrots, before adding in insoluble fiber like beans, cauliflower, potatoes, and whole grains.

Gastroenterologist Christine Lee recommends aiming for five to seven servings of fruits and vegetables daily, according to Cleveland Clinic. You can get creative with this, but try to eat as much local, in-season produce as possible. Combining unsaturated fats rich in Omega-3s with fiber will keep things moving and boost the absorption of vitamins, per Medical News Today. Foods like wild-caught salmon, olive oil, and avocados are excellent options that also have the perk of lowering inflammation. And, on top of what you eat, you’ll also want to drink plenty of water and exercise.

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