Rio Ferdinand has responded to comments by former Manchester United team-mate Wayne Rooney, who described the retired defender as ‘arrogant’.

The Derby manager, speaking at an exclusive black-tie dinner event in Manchester on Saturday, revealed what he thought of his former team-mates including Ferdinand.

Speaking on the BT Sport pundit, Rooney claimed that Ferdinand sometimes ‘forgot’ he was a defender.

Wayne Rooney described Rio Ferdinand as 'arrogant' when talking about his former Manchester United team-mates

Wayne Rooney described Rio Ferdinand as 'arrogant' when talking about his former Manchester United team-mates

Wayne Rooney described Rio Ferdinand as ‘arrogant’ when talking about his former Manchester United team-mates

Ferdinand has revealed that he and Rooney would always argue when they were team-mates

Ferdinand has revealed that he and Rooney would always argue when they were team-mates

Ferdinand has revealed that he and Rooney would always argue when they were team-mates

Speaking on his Vibe with Five podcast, Ferdinand revealed that the pair ‘always argued’ when they were team-mates.

He said: ‘It (Rooney’s comments) was at a signing, some of us do these things where you go and talk to an audience. They’re quite funny, you have a few beers and you get loose lips a little bit when you’re in there.

‘Your guards down when you don’t see the big cameras and microphones.

‘He said a few things about a few former players, he said about me being arrogant and how we argued and he told tell me ‘do your job’ etc. 

‘He’s referring to when on the pitch we would argue, either in front of everyone at Old Trafford or in the training ground – me and him always argued.’

Asked to give an example, he said: ‘I’d be thinking ‘just shoot man’. Don’t be doing all these fancy passes, let Scholesy and them do that.

‘I want you to be up there, cutting edge and bang – be decisive. Wazza could score two goals in a game but not be involved in the game and he would come off with the hump.

‘Because he’s a street footballer, he wants to be involved in the 90 minutes playing all the time and I used to say ‘Bruv I just want goals – I don’t care what else you do’.

The pair would argue in matches as well as on the training ground at Carrington

The pair would argue in matches as well as on the training ground at Carrington

The pair would argue in matches as well as on the training ground at Carrington

‘If the ball came up and he weren’t holding it up I’d be screaming ‘Wazza hurry up’.

‘He would go, expletive, ‘you do your own job’ and we’d be back and forth constant but we drove each other.’

Ferdinand and Rooney were team-mates at Old Trafford for ten years, between 2004 and 2014.

They enjoyed much success, winning five Premier League titles and a Champions League trophy as team-mates.

Rooney told onlookers at the event in Manchester: ‘Rio is a top player, but he is just arrogant.

‘You get paid a lot of money at Man United to kick the ball into the net, so just do it.

Ferdinand says their arguments 'drove the pair on' to inspire success at Old Trafford

Ferdinand says their arguments 'drove the pair on' to inspire success at Old Trafford

Ferdinand says their arguments ‘drove the pair on’ to inspire success at Old Trafford

‘I said: ‘Do your job, and give me the ball, give Ronaldo the ball. Stop standing there messing about’. Rio is a top lad but he sometimes did forget he was a defender.’

Rooney also made comments about Cristiano Ronaldo and Carlos Tevez during the event.

About Ronaldo, he said: ‘Cristiano was so good and so f*****g annoying at the same time.

‘He is probably not as good now but he is probably just as annoying.’

On Tevez, he added: ‘For two years I loved playing with him. I used to pick him up from his house for Champions League games and drive him to the airport. We’d play the game and come back.

‘And, honestly, I spoke to him for 30 minutes, and I had no idea what is coming out of his mouth.

‘He is just mumbling. I am not a great speaker and I am thinking, ‘F*****g hell. He is mumbling and nothing, nothing’.’

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