REBEKAH Vardy has accused Coleen Rooney of wanting to “weaponise an army against her” in a scathing attack of her WAG rival.

Becky blasted their High Court libel row as “totally ridiculous” – but insisted she “holds no grudges” after her and Coleen’s extraordinary Twitter spat in 2019.

Rebekah Vardy has accused Coleen Rooney of wanting to ‘weaponise an army against her’
Rebekah gave an exclusive sit-down chat with The Sun

Becky says she bears former pal Coleen no ill-will[/caption]

Wife of Leicester City striker Jamie will exclusively tell The Sun how Coleen “wanted to weaponise an army” when she publicly accused then-seven-months-pregnant Becky of leaking stories.

In the second instalment of her sit-down chat to be released in tomorrow’s paper, Becky will say: “The whole thing is ridiculous, totally ridiculous.

“If the shoe were on the other foot I would never do that to someone.

“If that was really what I thought I would be round their house having a conversation with someone and dealing with it the right way.

Read more on Rebekah Vardy


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“To me it just seemed like it was, she wanted to weaponise an army against me and that is what it felt like.

“But life is too short to be resentful and hold grudges and be bitter towards someone

“That is not me. I am not that person.”

The mum-of-five will say her only regret is her legal team “didn’t have a judge who understood the case”.

She will call the public furore resulting from Coleen’s Twitter post “ridiculous” and add: “What you can’t get away from is the damage it did and the damage it continues to do.

“This is not a joke. This is my life.”

Asked if she’d take Coleen to court over libel claims all over again, she will say: “Of course, because I didn’t do it.”

In a harrowing retelling of what her life was like after the Wagatha row, Becky earlier told The Sun how she considered jumping from the top floor of a shopping mall in Dubai when it first came out.

She said: “I think my lowest point was when I was in Dubai trying to get a flight to come home early from holiday.

“I knew what I was coming back to — I just knew there was going to be spiteful hatred everywhere.

“Jamie and I were in a shopping mall at the time buying baby clothes, and I just thought, ‘I don’t want to go through this, I don’t want to live like this’.

“For a split second, I said to Jamie, ‘I feel like I just want to jump off this top floor’.”

To me it just seemed like it was, [Coleen] wanted to weaponise an army against me and that is what it felt like.

Becky Vardy

She said it was “devastating” for him to see her go through it.

Becky reveals she has twice been hospitalised with mental health issues since the Wagatha Christie row erupted in October 2019.

She has seen a string of counsellors and was put on medication to alleviate her anxiety.

Becky was subsequently diagnosed with depression and put on anti-depressants – which she is now off.

Sipping a glass of water, she said: “I was having serious panic attacks.  I had kidney stones which were brought on by stress, and I just felt like my life was falling apart. 

“Physically, emotionally and mentally it was exhausting.

“It was draining. I had to go to hospital a couple of times because they were really worried about my mental wellbeing.

“And since the court case, I think I’m probably suffering with PTSD — I feel physically sick when I talk about the trial and what happened, and I have nightmares.

“I haven’t gone to get a diagnosis yet but I do know I probably need some more therapy. It’s been a horrible time.”

But during her interview, she extended an olive branch to Coleen despite losing their libel battle, saying: “I’d take her for a coffee.”

She says: “If I saw her in the street tomorrow, I’d ask her if she wanted to go for a Caffe Nero.

“Life is too short to be resentful and hold grudges and be bitter towards someone. That is not me. I am not that person.”

Read More on The Sun

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However the wife of striker Jamie blasts the trial judge, Mrs Justice Karen Steyn — and says she was “slut-shamed” and bullied in the harrowing court hearing.

Rebekah gave an exclusive sit-down chat with The Sun, more of which will be revealed in tomorrow’s paper and on

Becky blasted their High Court libel row as ‘totally ridiculous’
Getty Images – Getty
Becky in tears at Heathrow after coming back from Dubai
Rebekah’s hostility is directed firmly at the female High Court judge, Mrs Justice Karen Steyn
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