DEAR DEIDRE: I was unhappily married and in the process of splitting up with my husband of 25 years.
He knew I wanted to separate and we were slowly working through the details.
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But then I started to have feelings for someone at work. I should have waited but this new man and I started going for walks and even kissed on a few occasions.
I’m 50, my ex husband is 52 and this new man is 49. He is divorced with one grown up son.
Unfortunately my husband found out and so did my grown up children. That brought our marriage to a swift end and my children were furious with me.
My new man and I called off our relationship so I could concentrate on my family.
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Three years on and I’ve bumped into this man and we’ve both admitted we still have strong feelings for each other.
I would really like to give us a proper go but I’m worrying about how to talk to my children about him.
Most read in Dear Deidre
DEIDRE SAYS: Now is the time to apologise for what happened before and to be honest. Explain that you wish you had waited.
If your relationship with your ex husband is strained it would be worth apologising for the sad end to your marriage.
If you can build a relationship with him that will help with your children.
Your children may not like hearing you are back with you new man but they will at least appreciate being told by you.