DEAR DEIDRE: My girlfriend dumped me, but I’m confused because she says she might want me back one day.
Even though she is the love of my life, I’m not sure if I should wait for her.
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I’m 34 and she’s 32. We only lived together for three months, before she panicked about settling down and getting married.
She said I smothered her and that she had to move out to be independent again.
We’re not a couple anymore, and she’s been seeing someone else.
But we still talk and message every day and I still love her deeply. I know she’s the one.
Yesterday, I told her how I felt and she just said, “Thank you, I appreciate that.”
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She also said, “I do care about you and maybe one day it will be different.”
Is there still hope for us?
DEIDRE SAYS: She’s sending you mixed messages and giving you false hope, which isn’t fair.
Perhaps she doesn’t want to hurt you by ending things once and for all. Or maybe she’s keeping her options open.
Please don’t wait. She may never be ready to commit.
You deserve to be loved fully and the sooner you move on, the sooner you will have the chance to find someone better.
My support pack, Moving On, should help.