DEAR DEIDRE: MY right testicle has swollen up to nearly twice the size of my left testicle.
It’s also tender to touch and I’m having trouble getting comfortable when I sit down – especially at my desk in the office.
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I tried to ignore it for the first three days in the hope it would go down on its own but I think it might be worse, if anything, and I’m having to pace around my home office to try and distract myself from the discomfort.
I’m 37 and my wife is 35.
It’s embarrassing in Zoom meetings when I have to suddenly get up.
Of course I’ve Googled what it could be and as soon as I saw the “C” word I was completely panicked.
I haven’t said anything to my wife but she’s sure to notice sooner or later.
DEIDRE SAYS: Worries always seem much worse when bottled up.
Get in touch with Deidre
Every problem gets a personal reply, usually within 24 hours weekdays.
You’ll feel a lot happier if you talk to your wife.
And don’t jump to conclusions – there are many possible reasons aside from cancer that would explain a swollen testicle.
Most read in Dear Deidre
You may have an infection or temporary injury which has caused the tissue to swell.
Your next important step is to see your doctor.
Please don’t put this off or be embarrassed.
Medics are used to dealing with similar issues and will be able to advise on the best treatment.