DEAR DEIDRE: You went above and beyond to help me track down my pension, and I couldn’t be more grateful.
I turned 62 in March and should have started to receive my pension. I’d worked as a postman for 41 years.
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Instead, I was sent on a wild goose chase. Every person I contacted about the missing money told me to forward my message to someone else.
I was at the end of my tether and running out of ideas.
You reached out to Royal Mail on my behalf, and quickly they discovered what had gone wrong.
I’d missed one of the important forms, which they posted to me the very next day.
Within two weeks, everything had been sorted and I’d had my first payout.
I was getting so worried about money that I’d applied for various part-time jobs. I thought I’d have to work in a garden centre or a supermarket for the rest of my life.
But now I can live out my golden years exactly as I’d planned.
My wife and I have just bought a campervan, and are planning to do a tour of Scotland next summer.
Get in touch with Deidre
Every problem gets a personal reply, usually within 24 hours weekdays.
We’ve also looked into a trip to the Bahamas – something that’s been on my bucket list for years.
This really is a great service, and I’ll be sure to recommend you to others. Thank you.
Most read in Dear Deidre
DEIDRE SAYS: I’m so pleased we were able to help you solve this and now you can enjoy a well earned retirement.
Enjoy your trips.