Abigail Cowen’s character Angel faces a lot of hardship throughout the film that she and Michael work together to overcome. Speaking about acting in some of the scenes where Angel experienced abuse, Cowen said, “I wanted to make it as real as possible … it was definitely something new that I had never done, but yeah, it was quite difficult, quite challenging.”

In playing Angel, Cowen said she related to her “stubbornness” and to “the inner child in her.” Although Cowen said she’d never been through things as traumatic as what her character experiences, the idea of creating a shell to protect her inner child was something she could connect with. “I feel like that’s my theory on life, though. I think everyone has that. I think we are all our little inner children, and then as we grow up, we create more of a hard shell throughout life and experiences,” Cowen continued. “I feel like that is a lot of who Angel was … her shell was very, very hard.”

Her costar Tom Lewis jumped in to add how impressive he found that aspect of Angel’s personality. “But for her to retain that inner child is so… incredible, like the things that she goes through, would destroy anyone, really. For me, to think that she’s able to come out of here with her head held high … it’s incredible.”

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