Exit’s in sight

WHAT glorious news. Our two-year Covid nightmare may be over in just a fortnight.

No more enforced restrictions, not even self-isolation. From tomorrow, no more tests for returning holidaymakers.

From tomorrow, no more tests for returning holidaymakers, what glorious news


From tomorrow, no more tests for returning holidaymakers, what glorious newsCredit: Rex

That doesn’t mean thousands a day won’t still catch Omicron, for a while at least.

A tiny fraction will die, as with flu. But the world has to co-exist with Covid. Britain will be among the first to do so.

This wasn’t just the natural course of events, as the chaos elsewhere proves.

Yes, it is down to Omicron’s mildness. But it is also thanks to the miraculous jabs our scientists invented and the Government and NHS rolled out so fast.

It is due too to Boris Johnson facing down scaremongering boffins and dodgy forecasts, trusting the vaccines and keeping us open. Labour wouldn’t have. We are so nearly there.

Let us move heaven and earth to avoid ever again living under such conditions.

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Most read in The Sun

Flaky Labour

IS any sane person still swallowing Labour’s whining over Boris’s jibe at Keir Starmer?

They and their media allies are still clutching their pearls over his cheap shot that Starmer, and not the CPS he ran, failed to prosecute Jimmy Savile. They even baselessly claim it inspired anti-vax nutters to barrack Starmer.

Yesterday, Keir Starmer branded the Chancellor 'a loan shark', another proof that Labour dish out but keel over if they get a syllable back


Yesterday, Keir Starmer branded the Chancellor ‘a loan shark’, another proof that Labour dish out but keel over if they get a syllable backCredit: EPA

But yesterday, even at a relatively tame Prime Minister’s Questions, Starmer still managed to brand the Chancellor “a loan shark” whose policy on bills was “one big scam” while the Tories “protect their mates” off working people’s backs.

Yet another opportunist then whinged about Boris’s language as Angela Rayner, catchphrase “Tory scum”, nodded sternly.

Labour dish it out, then keel over if they get a syllable back. The affected snow- flakery is at once cynical and ludicrous.

Blatant Beeb

TERRIFIED about the licence fee, the BBC is openly at war with the Tories and Brexit.

Anything potentially damaging is whipped up on its bulletins and website:
A Remain donor bashing Boris. Breathless Partygate updates.

A dull Commons committee beefing over loss of EU trade. A Starmer Government is the BBC’s last hope, so impartiality is over. You’ll need The Sun for the other side of a story.

Read Jacob Rees-Mogg opposite on the opportunities from Brexit . . . which the BBC detests, but licence-payers voted for.

Hammer him

A £250,000 loss of pay, dropped from West Ham’s squad and his cats seized. Good.

It’s the least that pet-kicking thug Kurt Zouma deserves. We hope the RSPCA and French authorities go further. As for the Hammers, who “condemned” Zouma but played him on Tuesday . . .

What possessed them?

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