THE gorgeous strawberry supermoon lit up skies around the world on Tuesday and early Wednesday, giving onlookers the chance to look at the lowest full moon of the year.

The moon was at its closest point to the Earth at 7.24PM, according to Nasa, making it close enough to be considered a supermoon – the second one in 2022.

The strawberry supermoon as seen in New York, New York


The strawberry supermoon as seen in New York, New YorkCredit: Getty Images – Getty
The event gets its name from Native American Algonquin tribes


The event gets its name from Native American Algonquin tribesCredit: AP

The phenomenon got its name from Native American Algonquin tribes that lived in the northeastern US and Ojibwe, Dakota and Lakota peoples, according to The Old Farmer’s Almanac.

The name has nothing to do with the color but rather to mark the ripening of strawberries ready to be harvested in June.

“The name comes from the relatively short season for harvesting strawberries in the north-eastern United States,” said Nasa.

However, at its low position, the moon can sometimes give off a reddish or rose color.

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Stunning pics of Strawberry Supermoon revealed ahead of Full Moon this evening

Full moons are a fun time to observe lunar features, as the rest of the sky will be washed out by the light,” said

“With the naked eye, you can see the vast highlands and lowlands of the moon, which can appear to be certain shapes and generate stories about those shapes, depending on the culture you follow.”

Getting a good view of the supermoon depends on the weather and, thankfully, the skies were clear.

Onlookers were recommended to look southeast to watch the full rise above the horizon, according to the Almanac.

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What is a ‘supermoon’?

A supermoon occurs “when a Full Moon coincides with the Moon’s closest approach to Earth in its elliptical orbit, a point known as perigee,” according to Nasa,

The event occurs once every 12 to 14 months – and when it does happen, the Moon appears larger and brighter.

However, the supermoon doesn’t only mark a seasonal event, it also marks an important astrological one.

How will the strawberry supermoon affect my star sign?

This strawberry supermoon is in Sagittarius, meaning it will affect that star sign and mutable, or sister sign, Gemini, Virgo, and Pisces the most.

Still, all the signs will feel the effects of this astrological occasion.

Hollywood-based astrologer Renee Watt said that the event will bring an “abundance of optimism, joy, and luck to the table.”

“Unfortunately, these vibes will also come with a bit of resistance from dreamy Neptune, as the sun and moon form a T-square with the ethereal planet,” Watt added. 

Some believe the moon could have an affect on your star sign


Some believe the moon could have an affect on your star signCredit: AP
The moon seen from the US Capitol


The moon seen from the US CapitolCredit: AFP
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