Artists have a way of channeling their sorrows into their work, leaving us with a wide range of sad songs about everything from breakups to addictions to death. It’s not easy to choose the best of these songs, but below is a list of top 7 saddest songs.
1. Tears in Heaven – Eric Clapton
His “Unplugged” album was so perfect precisely because it was so real. He had the courage to share what he was going through with the world. The loss of one’s child is the most painful thing a person could ever go through, and he persevered. He turned his pain into something so beautiful which will stay with us forever. The acoustics on this album are just sheer perfection. This is so much more than a “sad” song, it’s the deepest and most personal song on this list. He wrote it. He performed it. He went through it. We know his story and it means something to us.
2. Hurt – Johnny Cash
This version of the song is simply genius. Though he didn’t write this song on his own, Johnny Cash performed it so deeply that you can feel the emotions in every little sound of this song. With his broken voice he appears as fragile as the meaning of this song is. Beautiful song.
3. Wake Me Up When September Ends – Green Day
Green Day lead singer Billie Joe Armstrong wrote this about his father, who died of cancer on September 1st, 1982. At his father’s funeral, Billie cried, ran home and locked himself in his room. When his mother got home and knocked on the door to Billie’s room, Billie simply said, “Wake me up when September ends.” People only become what they really are when they feel pain, so that they can’t hide their real personality anymore.
4. My Immortal – Evanescence
She hurts badly due to multiple reasons, I think, and she hurts badly emotionally, she can feel it mentally and physically. She and this guy were very close, and losing him was like losing a part of her. Time can’t erase the wounds of her loss, and she doesn’t know it but she’s opening the wounds by holding on to him. When she was upset and crying the person she lost would wipe away the tears and make her feel better and also protect her from her fears. Although they stayed with her after passing in spirit and continued to protect her she cannot seem to let go of them and their memory.
5. Yesterday – The Beatles
Paul McCartney wrote this about his mother who passed away. It’s so heart-wrenching just listening to this song, and it makes you reminisce better times…
6. Stan – Eminem
This song really brings tears to my eyes. Mainly because of the fact that he chooses to take his life and his pregnant wife’s along with him. The lyrics in this song are amazing. You can really feel the mood and tone in Eminem’s voice as he sings the song.
7. Wish You Were Here – Pink Floyd
Wish you were here is addressed to Syd Barrett, an original member of Pink Floyd whose mental dysfunction led to his departure from the band. He was replaced by David Gilmour. Barrett wrote most of Floyd’s debut album, The Piper at the Gates of Dawn. “Shine on You Crazy Diamond” is also a tribute to him, and the Wall is viewed by some as his biography.
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