A MUM has been left with black eyes and a broken nose after she was brutally battered by a gang of girls while protecting her daughter.

Michelle Audo, 48, suffered serious facial injuries and a concussion after the teenage thugs pounced on her outside her own home.

Michelle Audo, 48, was beaten black and blue by the gang of teenage girls


Michelle Audo, 48, was beaten black and blue by the gang of teenage girls
The mum was only saved when her eldest daughter and hubby stepped in


The mum was only saved when her eldest daughter and hubby stepped in

She claims the group turned up at her property in Blue Springs, Missouri, at around 10.30pm on May 14.

The 48-year-old had been asleep with her husband when their daughters, aged 16 and 18, woke them up saying a “carload of girls” were waiting outside.

The mob of 14-year-olds allegedly wanted to fight Michelle’s younger daughter, seeing the mum dive out of bed to defend her.

She says she confronted the arrogant teens, who were “hyped up and ready to fight someone”, and asked them to leave.

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But instead of the parent putting an end to the row, the girls allegedly jumped out of the car and began a sickening assault.

Michelle told the NY Post: “I thought I would just walk outside and tell them to leave and that they would leave. That did not happen.”

She claims to have been punched several times by the yobs, while one blonde culprit continuously hit her in the face.

According to her police report, two of the teens dived on top of the mum during the unbelievable incident.

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Her ordeal only came to an end when her eldest daughter and husband dragged the gang off of her.

Michelle sustained a broken nose, two black eyes and a concussion after the terrifying brawl.

Police were called to the attack but the teens had fled the scene by the time they arrived.

One of the brazen teens then allegedly took to Snapchat to sickeningly brag about the attack.

They reportedly wrote: “Imagine letting ur mom get her a*s beat”.

Another is said to have read: “Tell yo mom to come clean her blood off my window”.

Michelle demanded the unruly 14-year-old’s be given “consequences other than community service”.

They think they are grown enough to beat up someone’s mom, I think they need to pay the consequences.

Michelle Audo

She added: “They think they are grown enough to beat up someone’s mom, I think they need to pay the consequences.

“What’s going to stop them from coming back? Or to do this to somebody else? I was severely hurt.

“These girls seem to have zero regard for anybody. And to me, it seems like they think they can do whatever they want. And they get away with it.”

Two of the teen suspects were charged with simple assault by cops. Their names have not been released due to their age.

According to a police report, officers with the Community Youth Outreach Division will handle the case.

According to Jennifer Brady of Blue Springs Missouri Police Department, the pair will face the charges in Juvenile Court.

But it could still be upgraded to a family court with a judge due to the severity of Michelle’s injuries, according to reports.

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Brady said: “We are waiting for the investigation to be completed before the charges are filed.

“The girls have not been arrested. One is looking at assault charges so far. It is not determined if the other teen will face charges.”

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