A MUM whose adopted son was abused by his evil parents said she was terrified they’d be released from prison until she received one phone call that changed her life.

Paula Hudgell feared the woman who was jailed for crippling her little boy Tony was going to be released from prison.

Paula Hudgell feared her adopted son’s abusers would be released from prison
Dominic Rabb told Paula a new law meant he could block Tony’s abusers from leaving prison
Dan Charity
PA:Press Association

Antony Smith and Jody Simpson had both been due to be released this month[/caption]

Her dread soon turned to elation when Cabinet Minister Dominic Raab called to tell her the monster who hurt young Tony would stay locked up, according to The Mirror.

Jody Simpson had been due to be released on Friday after serving 10 years behind bars for abusing her own six-year-old son.

Tony’s father Anthony Smith carried out the abuse which left the tot with crippled legs that needed amputating.

Paula was told the couple would automatically be freed halfway through their sentences with time spent on remand taken into account.


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But Justice Secretary Rabb called to say he was blocking Simpson’s release after a recent law change.

A relieved Paula told the publication said she received a call in the morning from her victim liaison officer saying Raab had requested her number.

“I was on tenterhooks. I could only hope it was good news but never expected what he did tell me. It was completely out of the blue but so incredible to hear,” she said.

“I wasn’t aware of new powers that meant automatic release could be halted, so to hear him say he was using them was wonderful.

“Mr Raab sounded very confident about the case he had built against her, saying he had not come across a worse one than Tony’s, and the same challenge would be made against Smith.”

Paula and Tony met Prime Minister Boris Johnson at Downing Street to receive an award for their years of fundraising and campaigning.

Tony helped raise £1.7million for Evelina London Children’s Hospital, which saved his life.

Paula had campaigned for an increase in jail sentences for child cruelty – now known as Tony’s Law.

She said: “This week has been such a rollercoaster of emotions. We were at Downing Street meeting Boris Johnson and having probably one of the best days of our lives.

“But always at the back of my mind was knowing Simpson was being released the same week.

“Then, just two days later I’m having an unexpected phone chat with Dominic Raab.

“I don’t know if Boris had anything to do with Simpson’s release being blocked so soon after the reception or whether it’s just a coincidence.”

She said Tony was delighted to hear about Raab’s call when she told him.

Raab’s intervention means the Parole Board will now decide the fate of Simpson and Smith and that it would not be a “long term block”.

“But felt he had a strong case and his action had definitely put a stop to what was to be her planned release,” she said.

The Kent mum has been advised to deliver a victim impact statement to the Parole Board.

“We will put together a statement outlining in great detail how Tony is still affected and the impact on not just his daily activities but family life as well.

“People see this cheeky, brave, determined little boy but do not see the pain he still suffers, or the hundreds of hours of hospital appointments, physiotherapy and treatments he has.

“Those two monsters not only left my son at death’s door with life-changing injuries but they delayed seeking medical help for 10 days. So any delay of their release is justice in my eyes.”

Tony suffered such appalling abuse from his birth parents, he was left with broken fingers and toes, as well as torn ligaments, in an attack just 41 days after his birth.

Rather than getting help, vile Tony Smith and Jody Simpson left him to suffer for 10 days.

Read More on The Sun


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Tony contracted sepsis and was near death when they took him to a hospital.

Medics were eventually forced to amputate the little one’s legs because of the damage caused.


British Prime Minister Boris Johnson meets Tony Hudgell during a reception for the winners of the Points of Light Award in Downing Street[/caption]

Tony has helped raise £1.7million for Evelina London Children’s Hospital, which saved his life
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