Due to the demands of in-person work that Hollywood has had to deal with, on-set life looks a lot different now than it used to, and Eric Close’s experience filming “The Mulligan” was fraught with pandemic protocols. In an exclusive sit down with The List, he shared that filming days were filled with masks, plastic shields, and precautions — all necessary guidelines to keep a film, that had already been delayed, rolling.

“My hat’s off to every industry, and because we’re in Hollywood,” Close told us. “During the pandemic, I acted and I directed, so the experience for me as an actor was different. I had opportunities to take my mask off because I’m working in scenes and then everybody else was responsible [for] protecting their zones, and when I was directing, it was 24/7.”

Close did recall an extremely funny on-set moment, that all had to do with COVID-19 protocols. During the shoot, Close made the switch from a mask to a plastic shield to protect him while shooting. But given the see-through nature of the shield, it became a bit of a barrier at lunch time. “So often, I’d forget it was there and I’d take a burrito to go eat and smash it into my mask, or the shield,” Close recalled, laughing. “That was an experience all in itself.”

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