A VIGILANTE driver has revealed the haunting moment he mowed down a crazed knifeman as he stabbed a mum to death.

The 26-year-old, known only as Abraham, slammed his Renault Clio into Leon McCaskie as ex Yasmin Wafah Chkaifi, 43, lay stricken on the ground.

Yasmin Wafah Chkaifi was stabbed to death by her violent ex


Yasmin Wafah Chkaifi was stabbed to death by her violent exCredit: Rex

He was arrested on suspicion of murder but police later confirmed he would not face charges after the horror in Maida Vale, West London, last week.

Abraham has now revealed the harrowing moment he ploughed into McCaskie.

He told The Daily Mail: “I thought: ‘I cannot go away and leave her.’ I had to help, to try to save her. I did not have time to consider.

“So I put my car into first gear and drove up the kerb and onto the pavement. It was a short distance, ten or 12 ft, and I pushed him, I made an impact. I managed to avoid the woman.

“Then I took my foot off the gas but my car didn’t stop. The momentum continued and I knew the man was under my car.

“I opened the door and I saw his hand sticking out from under it. That sight stays with me and always will: the man’s hand sticking out.”

Most read in The Sun

Violent McCaskie had been in a relationship with Yasmin but he was given a stalking prevention order after years of abuse.

She previously confided in friends about how her ex had put cameras in her flat, stolen her post and phone in a sick bid to access her personal information.

He failed to turn up to court in early January after being charged with breaching the restraining order last year.

The brute was arrested and charged for breaching the order but failed to appear in court and an arrest warrant was issued 20 days before the attack.

On January 24, McCaskie pounced on Yasmin and began stabbing her in the street in front of horrified onlookers.

Abraham said he was leaving late for work when he saw the monster repeatedly plunging the knife in the mum’s chest.

He told how it was his “duty” to prevent the bloodbath even though he was arrested for murder.


Reliving the horror, Abraham said: “I was in shock. I took my head in my hands and thought, ‘How has this happened?’ I’d tried to save a woman’s life and I’d killed a man.

“I said a prayer: ‘God forgive me for what I have done’.”

Thousands of people backed the driver as a “hero” after his actions and set up a petition to stop him being charged.

Police originally said he had been fully co-operating with the investigation and was bailed to a date in February.

But they told him he was free to go after reviewing CCTV and speaking to witnesses.

Abraham previously said his “instant” thought was to “protect the woman who had been stabbed and the public.”

In a statement he added: “I am deeply sorry that the man I tried to stop from attacking other people has died.

“It was never my intention to harm him, I just wanted to shop him from hurting anybody further.

“My only regret is that god did not allow me to be present at the scene sooner so that my intervention may have saved the life of the young woman concerned.

“I did not intend to harm the attacker, I only intended to protect those being attacked.”

Yasmin was ambushed as she walked near her home in Maida Vale


Yasmin was ambushed as she walked near her home in Maida Vale
Leon McCaskie had an arrest warrant issued against him


Leon McCaskie had an arrest warrant issued against him
The scene in Maida Vale


The scene in Maida ValeCredit: PA
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