VLADIMIR Putin has warned the west that Russia is stronger than ever, after military and naval improvements.

This comes just days after the tyrant said the world-ending Sarmat intercontinental ballistic missile would be delivered in the next six months, amid heightened tensions with NATO countries.

The despot boasted: “The missile can break through all modern anti-missile defences.

“There is nothing like this anywhere in the world, and won’t be for a long time.”

However the Russian president has been unable to shake whispers about his declining his health, leading to suggestions that he will soon be ousted.

And while loss of support for Mr Putin is likely to come too late to bring the Ukrainian war to a swift end, an official said there is growing talk about who will replace him.

According to Yahoo News an official said: “There is more chatter about his health, more speculation about succession,

“One of my contacts said to me President Putin did look tired and a bit old but he has dragged his country back 40 years in four months.”

Meanwhile, UK defence chiefs say Russian forces have suffered “extraordinary” losses in Ukraine.

Read our Ukraine war live blog below for the latest news & updates…

  • Inside Putin’s DIRTY billions

    The despotic dictator of Russia has a wealth that is believed to be more than Bill Gates, and equal to that of Elon Musk, but where is all this wealth tied up.

    In new leaked emails, just some of the Russian rulers assets have been exposed.

    Here are just a few:

  • Russia’s losses as of June 22

    Russia continues to lose troops, equipment and weapons as the war in Ukraine rages on.

    As of today, according to Ukraine’s military, the invading force has lost over 34,000 troops, 216 plans and 1,496 tanks.

    This comes as reports emerge that that the over 320 Ukrainian children have been killed by Russian forces since the conflict began.

  • UK Intelligence provides update on Russia Ukraine conflict

    According to UK Intelligence, Russia is preparing to deploy a large number of reserve units to the Donbas.

    The outlook noted that the conflict is becoming increasingly centred on being able to generate and deploy reserve units to the front, for both sides.

  • Moscow accuses Berlin of ‘Russophobic hysteria’ on anniversary of Nazi invasion

    Russia’s foreign ministry on Wednesday accused Germany of anti-Russian sentiment in a statement on the anniversary of the invasion of the Soviet Union by Nazi troops in 1941 as tensions rage over Ukraine.

    “Russophobic hysteria is systematically fuelled by almost daily public attacks against our country by members of the German government,” the ministry said, adding that authorities in Berlin undermine the process of “historical reconciliation” between Russians and Germans after World War II.

  • Over half of Russian separatist forces dead, reports British intelligence

    As Russia’s brutal invasion of Ukraine wages on, they continue to suffer heavy losses.

    UK intelligence has reported that the Donetsk militia alone has lost 55% of its original force.

    Other reports claim the invading force has lost over 30,000 soldiers since the war began.

  • Russia warns against Article 5 talk in Kaliningrad standoff – Interfax

    A top Russian official warned the West on Wednesday to stop talking about triggering NATO’s “Article 5” mutual defence clause in a standoff between Lithuania and Russia.

    Moscow has promised practical retaliation that will affect Lithuania’s population after the Baltic state blocked the transit of goods subject to EU sanctions from Russia to its Baltic exclave.

    “I would like to warn Europeans against dangerous rhetorical games on the topic of conflict,” the Interfax news agency quoted Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov as saying on Wednesday.

    The U.S. State Department said on Tuesday its commitment to Article 5 of NATO’s founding treaty – which states that an attack on one member of the alliance is an attack on all – was “ironclad”.

  • Russia using ‘Kamikaze’ drones on Ukrainian towns

    Reports have emerged that Russia is using so called Kamikaze drones to attack the Sumy region of Ukraine, according to a military official.

    Dmytro Zhyvytskyy noted that these drones had already killed four people.

    “In general the situation is quite tense. Yesterday the communities and territories along the border were shelled with different kinds of armament with self-propelled artillery units, mortars, MLRS,” Zhyvytskyy said.

  • Russia suffers ‘significant losses’ after battle at Snake Island

    Located in the Black Sea, Russia took Snake Island during the early days of the conflict.

    However, reports have emerged today that the occupying force has suffered “significant losses” during a Ukrainian strike.

    No further details have been released.

  • Ukraine won’t get a ‘free pass’ into the EU, French officials claim

    Despite the country being desperate to join the European Union, French officials have claimed the trading block will not come to Ukraine’s aid.

    “There is no expedited procedure, there is no King’s Pass,” French Minister Delegate for Europe Clément Beaune said in an interview with French radio Europe 1. 

    “They need to finish the war first, to rebuild the country, to meet all the democratic and economic requirements. This will take time. But we are giving this signal of openness,” He added.

  • Ukraine confirms attack on city of Mykolaiv

    Reports emerged this morning that seven missiles had hit the city of Mykolaiv in Ukraine.

    These reports have seemingly been confirmed by the head of the regional military administration, Vitaly Kim.

    He said on his Telegram channel: “I have interrupted the inspection in the district. I return to the city. The city was hit with seven missiles.”

    The cities mayor, Oleksandr Sienkevych, has spoken about the brutal attack.

    “As of now we know about two private enterprises affected. Some fuel and lubricant materials were on the premises of these enterprises,” Sienkevych said.

    “Due to the missile hit into one of the enterprises the fuel and lubricant materials set on fire and now the whole city is covered with the black smoke. The firefighters are working on spot.”

  • Awe-inspiring video shows Ukrainian fighter pilots battling Russian forces

    The cockpit clip, shared on social media, shows the pilot performing elaborate manoeuvres amid the ongoing air war.

    The clip, shared by the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine, shows a pilot entering the plane, before he takes to the skies and battles Russian troops.

    Commenting on the clip, the Ukrainian Defence Ministry said: “Dear World, look at how beautiful our land is. Is it any wonder that our pilots defend it with such courage and passion?”.

    Read more here

  • ‘At least 324’ children killed by Russian invasion, report claims

    A report from the Kyiv Independent, a local english-language newspaper, has claimed that at least 324 children have fallen victim to Russia’s brutal invasion.

    In a tweet, the news source said: “Russia’s war has killed at least 324 children in Ukraine since Feb. 24.

    “More than 592 children have been injured, Prosecutor General’s Office said on June 22. The figures are expected to be higher since they do not include casualties in areas where hostilities are ongoing.”

  • Dog search team steps up training ahead of Ukraine deployment to find bodies

    A dog search team which specialises in recovering human bodies is stepping up its training ahead of an expected deployment to Ukraine.

    Springer spaniel Bracken, sprocker Bramble and Dougal, a Labrador-springer spaniel mix, are travelling to Italy on Thursday to hone their skills while on standby for a trip to the war zone.

    Handlers John Miskelly, a British Army veteran, and NHS nurse, Emma Dryburgh, have received a request to help in Ukraine but are waiting to receive confirmation that it is safe enough for them to travel.

    They are part of Response Rescue International Scotland and their cadaver dogs, who are trained to detect the scent of human remains, would be assisting the work of the European Association of Civil Protection Volunteer Teams (Evolsar).

    Mr Miskelly, of Falkland, Fife, said they will offer “fresh handlers with fresh dogs” to help the “weary” Ukrainian search teams, who have lost loved ones themselves since Russia launched its invasion in February.

  • Moscow accuses Berlin of ‘Russophobic hysteria’ on anniversary of Nazi invasion

    Russia’s foreign ministry on Wednesday accused Germany of anti-Russian sentiment in a statement on the anniversary of the invasion of the Soviet Union by Nazi troops in 1941 as tensions rage over Ukraine.

    “Russophobic hysteria is systematically fuelled by almost daily public attacks against our country by members of the German government,” the ministry said, adding that authorities in Berlin undermine the process of “historical reconciliation” between Russians and Germans after World War II.

  • Russia says West is spreading lies about causes of world’s food crisis

    Russia on Wednesday said the West was spreading lies about the causes of the global food crisis which Moscow said was being stoked by the sanctions imposed on Russia by the United States and European Union due to the invasion of Ukraine.

    Besides the death and devastation sown by Russia’s invasion, the war and the West’s attempt to cripple Russia’s economy as punishment have sent the price of grain, cooking oil, fertiliser and energy soaring, hurting global growth.

    Russian foreign ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova told reporters in Moscow she was dismayed by repeated Western statements that Russia was to blame for the global food crisis.

    “It is a lie – such accusations are complete lies,” Zakharova said. “So the West can supply all these arms to Ukraine but for some reason nothing can be taken out of Ukraine?”

  • Russia warns against Article 5 talk in Kaliningrad standoff – Interfax

    A top Russian official warned the West on Wednesday to stop talking about triggering NATO’s “Article 5” mutual defence clause in a standoff between Lithuania and Russia.

    Moscow has promised practical retaliation that will affect Lithuania’s population after the Baltic state blocked the transit of goods subject to EU sanctions from Russia to its Baltic exclave.

    “I would like to warn Europeans against dangerous rhetorical games on the topic of conflict,” the Interfax news agency quoted Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov as saying on Wednesday.

    The U.S. State Department said on Tuesday its commitment to Article 5 of NATO’s founding treaty – which states that an attack on one member of the alliance is an attack on all – was “ironclad”.

  • Turkish ship leaves Ukraine’s Mariupol after grain talks with Moscow

    A Turkish cargo ship on Wednesday left Ukraine’s Russian-occupied port of Mariupol after a round of “constructive” grain talks with Moscow, the Turkish defence ministry said, without specifying if it was carrying wheat.

    “The meeting in Moscow gave its first concrete result,” the Turkish ministry said in a statement.

    “Just a few hours after the end of the long meeting, the Turkish dry cargo ship, which had been waiting for days, left the Ukrainian port.”

  • Russia refuses to rule out death penalty for US nationals

    The Kremlin’s spokesperson, Dmitry Peskov, has said he “can’t rule out” capitol punishment for US citizens who choose to fight for Ukraine.

    Peskov claimed the decision would be made by a Russian court.

    In the same speech, he claimed that Ukraine has made no effort to restart peace talks.

  • UK says no restrictions on Russian nationals working in Britain

    Britain said on Wednesday there were no restrictions on Russians working in the United Kingdom after a Russian lawmaker said members of their delegation to the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) had been denied visas.

    Asked about Russian lawmaker Vladimir Dzhabarov’s comments, a spokesperson for Britain’s Home Office said: “There are currently no restrictions or limitations for Russian nationals to work in the UK on long-term work visas.”

    The spokesperson said Britain was prioritising applications from Ukrainians, and that applications for study, work and family visas were taking longer to process.

  • Seven Russian missiles hit Ukrainian city of Mykolaiv

    Seven Russian missiles hit the southern Ukrainian city of Mykolaiv on Wednesday, regional governor Vitaliy Kim said.

    In a statement on the Telegram messaging app, he gave no details of any casualties or damage.

  • Russian Foreign Minister heads to Iran for talks

    Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov was due in Iran Wednesday for talks on boosting trade and energy cooperation as the two countries grapple with Western economic sanctions.

    Tehran and Moscow both have huge oil and gas reserves but are constrained by sanctions that limit their ability to export their output.

    “Lavrov will meet our foreign minister (Hossein Amir-Abdollahian) tomorrow (Thursday),” Iran’s official IRNA news agency said.

    Russia was slapped with sanctions following its February invasion of neighbouring Ukraine, while Iran’s economy has been reeling under biting sanctions reimposed by the US in 2018, following Washington’s withdrawal from a nuclear accord between Tehran and major powers.

    Russia played a key role in that deal, taking charge of Iran’s excess enriched uranium stocks beyond those permitted under the agreement.

    It has been party to stumbling talks between Iran and the powers on reviving the 2015 deal with renewed US participation.

    The negotiations have been stalled since March amid sharp differences between Tehran and Washington on the US sanctions that would be lifted in exchange for Iran’s return to full compliance with the agreed limits to its nuclear activities.

  • Inside Putin’s DIRTY billions

    The despotic dictator of Russia has a wealth that is believed to be more than Bill Gates, and equal to that of Elon Musk, but where is all this wealth tied up.

    In new leaked emails, just some of the Russian rulers assets have been exposed.

    Here are just a few:

  • Awe-inspiring video shows Ukrainian fighter pilots battling Russian forces

    The cockpit clip, shared on social media, shows the pilot performing elaborate manoeuvres amid the ongoing air war.

    The clip, shared by the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine, shows a pilot entering the plane, before he takes to the skies and battles Russian troops.

    Commenting on the clip, the Ukrainian Defence Ministry said: “Dear World, look at how beautiful our land is. Is it any wonder that our pilots defend it with such courage and passion?”.

    Read more here

  • EU clears path to granting Ukraine ‘candidate status’

    EU officials said Tuesday that there was no opposition within the 27-nation bloc to granting war-torn Ukraine “candidate status”, ahead of a summit expected to green-light the move.

    The bloc’s executive arm last week proposed taking the symbolic first step to put Ukraine on the years-long path towards EU membership in a strong sign of support as Kyiv battles Russia’s military onslaught.

    A two-day summit from Thursday looks set to approve the move to formally name Ukraine and neighbouring Moldova “candidates” to start negotiations on joining.

    “There is not a single country which makes problems with the proposal,” said Luxembourg’s Foreign Minister Jean Asselborn at a meeting with EU counterparts in his country’s capital.

    “We will show great unanimity.”

    The EU is expected to impose conditions on Ukraine and Moldova over judicial reforms and tackling corruption, among other issues, before they could move on to formal entry negotiations.

    It would then take years — if not decades — of painstaking evaluations before Ukraine would get close to becoming an actual member.

  • Russia blocks British paper as media blackout continues

    The website of newspaper The Telegraph has been blocked in Russia following a request from the prosecutor general, data from state communications regulator Roskomnadzor showed on Tuesday.

    Since sending troops into Ukraine in February, Russia has cracked down on media coverage of the conflict, introducing 15-year prison sentences for journalists who spread intentionally “fake” news about what it calls its “special military operation” in Ukraine.

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