Some people dream about their hair falling out and it doesn’t necessarily bother them. Experts agree that what you dream isn’t as important as what you think about it (via Healthline). Like many situations in life, it’s not always what happens but how you react to what happens.

If you have a bad response to the thought of your hair falling out or if it stays with you negatively throughout the day, it’s worth investigating what the dream may mean to you.

The most obvious answer is that losing your hair may be on your mind. You may unconsciously or even consciously fear it, so when you sleep your mind tries to work away at that nagging thought in an attempt for some sort of resolution. Losing hair can reveal feelings of getting older, losing your beauty or sexual attraction, or it can just represent a poor self-image (via Dream Dictionary). After all, hair has traditionally been seen as an alluring symbol of youth and vitality. 

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