Top 5 Hardest Languages To Learn

Top 5 Hardest Languages To Learn: Learning a second or third language is a difficult but rewarding endeavor that can enrich your life and open doors to exciting new career and travel opportunities. Learning a difficult language is also good for your brain, with studies showing that it can lead to improved memory and focus. As a result, we’ve compiled a list of the 15 most difficult languages for English speakers to learn.

1. Arabic

The thing no one realizes about Arabic that makes it harder than any other language is that EVERYTHING is backwards. Just look at an Arabic book, they read the other way than almost every other language. They also speak backwards. If I were to say “The green ball hit the wall when I saw it.” In Arabic, that would be “I saw the wall when the green ball hit it.” That might not be exact, but everything is reversed. On top of that, it has a new alphabet, different grammar, etc…

2. Chinese

These are a few reasons why Chinese is so hard to learn: It has no alphabet. It’s written form has no clues as to how it is actually pronounced. There are many homophones; the same phonetic sound can have a completely different meaning depending on context. All the words are only distinguishable by four tones, which only differ slightly in pitch and enunciation. There are about 8000 characters. So… There you have it

3. Japanese

Pronouncing the words themselves isn’t that hard. But the writing’s a killer. Hiragana isn’t to bad. There are 46 basic symbols, and depending on the words you’re writing, you sometimes add little symbols at the top or write a normal symbol but smaller next to a bigger symbol to change the pronunciation slightly. But once you try to learn Katakana, it gets so much harder. It’s similar to Hiragana except many Katakana symbols look exactly like Hiragana symbols, but are pronounced completely differently. Plus you don’t even know when to use Hiragana and when to use Katakana. And don’t even get me started on kanji…

4. Mandarin

Too many characters in this language. Really hard to memorize. There are a lot of tones. It really takes a years to master it. When people talk about Chinese as a language they probably mean Mandarin, not Cantonese. Mandarin isn’t the only Chinese language. There’s cantonese, too.

5. Russian

Well what can I say Russian has really MUCH grammar rules, and also like in English, it’s red, but in Russian has red specific colours, and that specific colours has also words. That means that Russian have also really much words.

Loads of grammar. Like even if you’re a proper Russian, born there, went school etc. You still wouldn’t know all the grammar rules. Plus it has its own Cyrillic alphabet which is complete different from Latin.

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