DEAR DEIDRE: I attract an endless number of admirers at work but hardly anyone when I am off duty.

I work in customer services for a major supermarket.

I am wary of dating colleagues as I previously went through a nasty break up


I am wary of dating colleagues as I previously went through a nasty break up

For more advice from Dear Deidre

No issue is too small, too large or too embarrassing. Read our personal replies here.

I know I am a popular guy there. It is a job I absolutely adore.

I am wary of dating colleagues as I previously went through a nasty break up with a woman I worked with a couple of years ago.

I’m a 43-year-old man.

I wonder if I may be over-popular with male friends and acquaintances because people regularly mistake me as being gay.

Get in touch with Deidre

Every problem gets a personal reply, usually within 24 hours weekdays.

It’s really getting me down as I would love to meet a nice female and form a relationship, but I only seem to attract women who are much older than me or male.

I’m lonely and uncertain and wonder if I’m destined to spend my life as a single guy.

Most read in Dear Deidre

DEIDRE SAYS: The right person probably hasn’t come along yet.

Most important is to keep your social life going and open yourself up to the possibility of meeting someone.

Get to know women as people without worrying about age. Take up new interests which appeal to both sexes and meet as many new people as you can.

My support pack Finding The Love Of Your Life can help.

NEXT IN TODAY’S DEAR DEIDRE My boyfriend left me when I asked him not to talk about his ex

READ DEIDRE’S PHOTO CASEBOOK Luke’s mistress wants him to pluck up the courage to leave Georgia

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